My name is Sylvia Aquino, I’m a mom to two beautiful girls who are 25 and 9. This is my parenting story….
I grew up in Newark, NJ and in our house, we feared our mom. She was the disciplinarian in our home. We know she loved us but the “rod” was not spared. I just knew, I was a bad kid.
Fast forward and at 22 I had my first daughter, Ariana. I was obsessed. I felt like my job was to always protect her, and keep her safe. I don’t know where it happened, but in the process of raising Ariana, I defaulted to the only parenting method I knew…. MOM 101. She had to be perfect.
At 39 I had my second daughter, Nylah. Around 2020 after a need to fill a spiritual void in my life and a nudge from Nylah to return to “the kids church”, we went from “Easter Attenders” to regulars as Skyline. I joined a wonderful life group with women who have given me some incredible words of wisdom. Skyline has shared so much truth and showed be how much God Loves me and how much he loves my children.
I have a new parent I’m taking lessons from; his name is Jesus. Thanks to Skyline, I’ve been taught that we all have a voice, even children. So, I’ve decided to implement the fruit of the Spirit into my parenting, I will give my girls Love and Joy. I will help them feel Peace and Patience, I will show them Kindness and be an example of Goodness, I will lead with Faithfulness, Gentleness and absolutely practice Self Control.
I have since apologized to my beautiful Ariana for being a tyrant and not the mom she deserved. And just as Jesus shows us grace and mercy my child with eyes full of love and a great big smile showed me what it was like to receive forgiveness, grace and mercy from another person.