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David's Story

David Watley

What God has done for me at Skyline is awesome and abundant. It’s undeniable because it happens day in and day out. Skyline has redefined purpose for me. I started to realize that I wanted to help others and be a better father/husband/ friend, even if it meant just being an ear to listen. I just forgot how to connect.

Prior to attending Skyline, I worked in Pennsylvania, away from my family for 5 days a week. I was on automatic pilot and there was no need to really speak with anyone or interact. I became a robot/loner.

There was a simple call in the morning and evening to my wife and children. You see, I thought this was the bare minimum to keep the connection to home. After 8 months, the questions, talks, and basic conversations were needed in person and that was a WOW moment for me! My wife and children were visiting Skyline and I must have missed that conversation. I didn’t even know they wanted to attend church!

I resigned that week and drove in the middle of the night to attend Splash with my family. I was out of my element of disconnect and shy, then I met Robert Ruiz! God, through Robert and Skyline, reminded me of the purpose of connection! I can pour into my family better than ever with the help of my connection with others like me, and it reminds me that I can learn and teach at the same time.

I serve on the Traffic Coordination Ministry, purposed to aid in church traffic, safety, and operational support. I am able to be a helping hand to our community, have an open ear, be a second set of eyes, give a hug, handshake, or a high five and more. In return, I am a better example for my wife and children. In addition, I have gained lasting friendships, knowledge, and numerous memories to share with others. These connections feel and are great! Only God knew I needed all these things! More importantly, I needed to reconnect with Him! I pray I can help others connect with God in the simplest ways.

Through Skyline, I am alive!


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